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"Pac" is for Pacific. It represents the pacific territory of the United States, which includes a few of these scenic states: California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, etc.

"Roads" represents the routes along these Pacific states.

Our Story

Having been born and raised in San Diego, camping had always been a staple in our lives. In 2018, we first developed a strong passion towards the vanlife lifestyle. We loved the notion of living life on the road as well as just the overall independence that came with it. However, building out a van to use full time wasn't in our budget at the time so we ended up building a teardrop camper from scratch in 2021. We strive to travel up and down the pacific coast as much as possible in our new camper. We love camping by the beach, having bonfires with friends, drinking coffee at sunrise, and blasting our favorite playlist during road-trips. PacRoads was created to resemble that lifestyle.

Our Mission

We hope to inspire our followers to start living life on the road and to explore the pacific coast. 

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